Sunday, March 20, 2011

Toys and Interactive Fun

Rats are very intelligent little creatures that bore easily. Rats can become irritated, depressed or even aggressive when not stimulated properly. This can lead to your pet becoming ill more often. Stimulated rats are happy rats and happy rats are fun and healthy rats! =) Introducing new toys every so often will stimulate the rats brain forcing him to think and analyze his new toy. Odds are if you have a toy in their cage that has been their for weeks and they have completely stopped playing with it most likely they have become bored of that toy. A lot of people rotate their rats toys. You can put certain toys in their cage and then when you clean their cage next, rotate the toys in their home with other toys giving them a change of scenery. Store the other toys away until you clean their cage again. This goes aswell for decorating the cage, rats enjoy things being changed up. They will explore their new home. So put their huts and hammies in different locations. Rats love to chew so giving them wood chews and sisal products eally help satisfy this urge. A rats teeth never stop growing so always having something in their cage to naw on is recommened.

 Sisal Huts are fun to hide in and chew. The Chewtubular tunnels were a favourite amoung many of my rats. Sometimes I had to replace them every few weeks as they would tear apart the whole thing giving them hours of excitement!

The Grassy Roll A Nests were a huge favourite amoung all my rats! They loved snuggling up in them aswell as chewing on them. The Snak Shak logs gave my rats hours of chewing and nawing fun!


My rats were always very fasinated by the Snak Shak Huts. You will need to get the large as the other sizes are way too small and will need to get the large log aswell. My rats loved all gathering in this hut aswell as chewing on the wood and playing with the grass roof.

Remember to provide your rats when fun toys to play with and chew. Some of these toys can be interactive and you can join in on the fun. Like the rattle and the wooden balls.


Adding fun tunnels and hammocks to your rats cage can offer cosy safe hideouts or a different place to sleep. Or maybe simply for your rats to get high up and enjoy the view. The also make cat towels desgned for ferrets and other small animals. My rats spent a lot of time in this tunnel traveling around the levels and even taking naps. The Crinkle tunnel I suggest for any rat. I've never had a rat not enjoy these. They make crinkling sounds when touched and rats love to run and play in them to hear that crinkle!


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