Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Nakies - Introducing Hairless Rats!

When deciding on what rat may be right for you, many people look past the hairless thinking they are not like our original fuzzy fancy rats. The truth is other then small differences they are just as playful, intelligent, snuggly and fun as our furr babies! Hairless rats are created from breeding to rex's(curly haird rats) Their are different types of hairless rats including patch work hairless. They can be hairless all over or they can have hair just on their face or random parts of their body. They usually have few whiskers or none at all. The whiskers they do have tend to always be short and curly. Their skin can be from very light pink to a dark brown/ light black or even a blu-ish tinge.

While not everyones immediate reaction to a hairless rat is how adorable they are their personality just like all our fuzz babies will hook you right in. The main concern with hairless rats is their inability to handle temperature change as well as our other ratties. Hairless rats are very sensitive to hot and cold weather, imagine not wearing any clothes and then you get a chill, you'd be freezing! Provide them with comfy warm bedding to snuggle into if they get cold and keep their cages away from places that they may catch a draft as this might lead to them eventually catching an illness.
Because they dont have fur they are much more prone to dry skin so lotioning them up will help protect them from cracking skin. Use olive oil or a hypo-allergenic baby lotion for their sensitive skin. Black heads can be very common among them aswell. You may often see scratch marks on your fuzzless baby from time to time, this is normal. It is inevitable they will end up with scratches not having their fur to protect them but most scratches will only be minor, superficial and will heal quickly. Use animal or human polysporn for this. Another way to keep the scratches to a minimal is to cut his/her nails as well as all the other rats nails that are in the same cage and check their cage over to make sure their is nothing sharp for them to run into.

Unlike our furred friends, hairless rats have a much faster metabolism, being able to break down foods faster and burning calories faster then other rats. Because of this, hairless rats also require more amounts of food and water, without the extra amounts they may loose energy that is required for them and this could lead to illness or even death. They have this higher metabolism because they lack the insulating effects of a fur coat. They require more food because this keeps them warm the way a rats fur would. When feeding hairless rats, be careful you do not over feed or give too many fattening foods as all rats tend to be prone to obesity and diabeties. The majority of the rats extra food should still be their blocks as they are not overly fattening and are healthy. Feeding the blocks is also benificial because then they can not pick and choose from the tasty food to the not so tasty food. Make sure not to give too much protein as protein is hard on a rats kidneys and can lead to serious internal issues and skin conditions.

One of the biggest issues with hairless rats are their eyes. They tent to be very prone to eye complications because they do not have the protection of eyelashes. Dirt and particles can find their way in and behind the eyes causing serious permanent eye damage. Cysts can also develop behind the eyes resulting in having to have the eye surgically removed. Some people use arifical tears or special eye ointment to help but remember to speak to your vet first! Having your rat a buddy is a must. With the already stress of no fur and the need to burn energy, being alone can make them more prone to developing respiratory infections from anxiety.

Remember that hairless rats can easily live with our furry rats just remember to keep everyones nails trimmed.

Think about saving a hairless baby today! Look for your next family member through rescues and free adds online. Save a rat that truly needs a home! Dont buy or breed, Adopt a rat thats really in need!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rat Property Laws

When living with our ratties the basic rules are :

1. If I like it, it's mine.
2. If I've peed on it, it's mine.
3. If I can take it from you, it's mine.
4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
5. If you've got something larger, it's mine.
6. If I'm chewing something up, all the pieces are mine.
7. If it's in my reach, it's mine.
8. If I saw it first, it's mine.
9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine.
10. If it's broken or it tastes bad, it's yours.

and of course what I have learned from my rats:

1.  A little pee won't hurt me
2.  It is OK to steal food off someone else's plate
3.  If I'm small and cute I can get away with just about anything
4.  If I can fit it in my mouth, it's food
5.  Lazing around in hammocks all day and partying all night is the only way to live
6.  The world is my toilet
7.  All facial orifices require regular inspection
8.  If I have a dispute with my neighbour it is socially appropriate for me to beat the crap out of him
9.  Sex, food and sleep are my only priorities in life
10.  I must be well groomed at all times

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Lose of Two Beautiful Angels

I haven't posted in quite a while and although I did write another post and I remember publishing it, apparently something went wrong because it never showed up and I lost the information.. how fun?! The past month was tremendously straining and hard on the heart and the wallet. After Maggie had developed the 2 tumors I noticed her balance kept increasingly getting worse. I assumed the tumors were throwing her off but after talking with other rat owners I knew this couldn't be the case.

Her vet appointment was already booked at Crown Pointe Animal hospital to talk about getting the tumors removed and to get her spayed. A very well known hospital that specifically delt with small animals and surgeries. But now I knew she was not going for her tumors. It was about a 3 hour drive and we were tired. Dr. Auger was the one to work with my girls and he seemed like a fantastic vet. He did a thorough whole body check on both of them, he truly seemed to care about their health and well being. I was also extremely impressed with his knowledge of rats. In the end he was not convinced Maggie had a pituitary tumor as she was not showing all of the signs. We decided at first to go with a herbal remedy to increase blood flow and to overall help her body fuction better. He did however give me a perscription for Prednisone incase it turned out to be the tumor. The herbal remedy was called 'Xu Fu Zhu Yu Tang'. Maggie and Milly were on this remedy for a bit over a week when I noticed Maggie could not hold food anymore - She in fact did have the pituitary tumor. For those of you who do not know what a PT is :

Pituitary tumors are an abnormal growth in the pituitary gland, the part of the brain that regulates the body’s balance of hormones. Female rats are more at risk of this tumor. Clinical signs include:
  • Gradual weakness and lack of coordination
  • Stiffness or inability to flex forelimbs that gradually progresses to the hind limbs as the tumor continues to grow.
  • One eye protruding more than the other. This can be due to asymmetrical growth of the tumor pressing on structures behind the eye, and is referred to as exophthalmia.
  • Unequal pupil size in one eye compared to the other
  • Difficulty holding food when eating.
  • Circling, head tilt, seizures, hydrocephalus and sudden death.
  • Head pressing/Head bumping. This sign may be present when there is increased intracranial pressure (rat may bump head up when petted, or extend head pressing against a fixed surface).
Though the cause of pituitary tumors still remains unknown, factors that may play a role in their development in rats include:
  • Age
  • Genetic factors
  • Diet (incidence of pituitary tumors shown to increase where high-calorie ad libitum (free-fed) diets are given)
  • Breeding history
  • Infections
  • Injury
Maggie started her prednisone(steroid) for her tumor. PT are so far incurable and altimatly lead to death, there are things that can be done to give the rats a bit more of an increased life; hense the steroid. Maggie didnt show many signs through the whole ordeal up until nearing the end. Her only main signs were off balance and she could not hold her food. The last week of April Maggie entered the final stages. I had to syringe feed her constantly but she began spitting the food out. Maggie passed away here at home in my arms at 3:30 in the morning. Her breathing became sporadic and then finally slowed to a stop. I am thankful however that it was a fairly quick process, Maggie did not suffer.

Only days afterward, Milly started to breathe very rapidly and I could tell it was making her uncomfortable. Milly was being such a wonderful sister to Maggie, snuggling with her, taking care of her and even cleaning her seeing as she couldn't anymore. Only a week after Maggie had passed I guess Milly decided she already wanted to go join her. Millys appointment to get checked was Wednesday, June 1st. Her breathing was horrible that day, I suggled with her all the last week, letting her out constantly except for over night. When we got to the vet and she began checking her over Milly burst into a gasping attack and we decided right there that we could not allow her to continue like this. Milly was rushed back to be put to sleep as fast as possible. Afterward, when the vet came out to talk to us she said that she checked Millys heart to indicate if that had anything to do with it and unfortionatly what she found lead to Millys passing. Millys heart was 2 times bigger then it was suppost to be causing the valves to malfunction and not enough oxygen was getting to her lungs. Milly had heart failure.

In only the passed 3 years I have lost 9 beloved family members and although my heart is badly battered and will forever be scard. All the pain was worth having them grace my life with their presence. I wouldnt change it for the world. These were 2 beautiful ladies I only ended up getting by chance, and they have forever left their foot prints embedded in my heart. Run free at the bridge my angels, tell the boys I miss them everyday.