Friday, August 12, 2011

Down Time

It's been about 2 months since we have shared our home with rats. The first time in over 3 years our home hasnt had little fuzzies scampering around and it all feels so strange. They were such a huge part of my life it always feels now like there is something missing. However, stress has eased a bit. We were so often tight with money and although rats are relatively non-expensive they can get very pricey when they become ill. We had so many of our fuzzies around the same age so they all began to show signs of aging and illness not long after eachother. When the rats needed there meds I usually gave up food money for us and we would do without just so my babies could get better <3 Also the heartache that comes with loving such an animal with a short life span can really build up but it was all worth it, they are such amazing animals. I will forever have their memories and all the laughs they gave me. All the pictures and all the videos to look at that ease the pain if I need a quick rat fix.
This break has been good for us though. I think my heart needed a little break and some time to heal. It was a lot of pain in a short few months. Our home will one day be a rat haven once again, I always want rats in my life but for now we are just gonna take it easy and focus on improving our lives. Our double ferret nation has been put into hibernation in the back closet and all the hammocks and toys now packed and stored away for the next little fuzzy family that stumbles into our lap. I am excited to have rats again one day and in many ways cant wait! But Im not going to rush anything, when we are ready to have them they will somehow find their way into our lives.