Friday, March 18, 2011

Picking The Right Cage

So you are getting some fuzzies? The right cage size is essential for your rats to be comfortable and happy in their new home. The general rule is that any cage ment for a ferret is suitable for a rat. Rats are very active, intelligent creatures and need to be stimulated to keep from stress and boredom. Many people have inadiquite cage sizes for their little fuzzies, leaving them not much room to explore. Rats love to climb so levels are a must. If you dont have a cage with levels at the moment you can add hammacks and ladders along the top as another level. Hamster cages are in no way suitable for rats. This cage below would be way too small for your rats and would result in your rats becoming very stressed, depressed and possibly aggressive. Depression and stress can also lead to your rats becoming ill easier.
                                                                     TOO SMALL!!
When buying a cage make sure the space between the bars is not wide enough so that the full grown rat can fit their head through. As a simple rule, anything a rat can stick their head into they can sqeeze their whole body through aswell. Highly recommended cages for rats are the Critter Nations, The Ferret Nations are suitable aswell. These cages give the rats enough space to wander and levels to keep them active. They are also great if you plan on adding to your family of rats. These cages are made very sturdy and the huge doors make it very easy to clean.
                                            Ferret or Critter Nations make excellent rat cages!
 Martin Rat cages are highly recommended aswell. If you are acquiring a diffrent type of cage make sure the wires are powder coated as the basic metal can rust, stain and become very hard to clean and unsafe for your ratties. This cage below would be a small ferret cage that would be excellent for 2 rats. The metal frame can be taken off for easy cleaning and the wires are coated for health, safety and easier cleaning.
                                                            Great Cage for 2 or 3 rats!
Aquariums are never recommened for rats even though a lot of people use them. The air in tanks can not circulate properly causing it to get stale and stinky. The humidity levels in tanks can become too high making it very uncomfortable for our rats. In tanks its very difficult to make levels to play on and thats no fun! Because the rats would not be recieving much fresh air the odds of your rat developing a respiratory infection is much greater then if they were in a cage.
                                         Tanks are not recommened or safe health wise for rats!

My first rat cage was a basic powder coated 3 level Chinchilla cage, also good for rats. Male rats especially can get very big, by boys were 10 inches(thats NOT including their tails) thinking about this, no other cages but Ferret and Chinchilla cages would do. I wanted them to have a lot of space to wander and I know they appreciated it very much. The joy and excitement rats get with the level cages is worth every penny. They even pick their favourite levels =) lol I now have a Ferret Nation Which Nero and Octavian both got to experience before they passed away.
                                                         Nero and Octavians First Home
Remember when buying your ratties first home you want to make them exciteted and happy about living with you, give them the home of their dreams.

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