Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My First Girls

I've always had male rats. Not intentionally but they always seemed more accessible. The stores always had males or somehow I'd end up with caring for males. So when I came upon having my first female I was not sure what to expect. We acquired Milly Through a friend of my boyfriend. After knowing we had rats he had brought up to him that they had 3 female rats and 2 of them had past on from old age. This led to the idea that maybe we would take the girl, he had offered her to us because they weren't planning on getting anymore and maybe we could give her a better home. Well of course when my boyfriend came home with this news the guilt trip set in and I was a gonner. At this time we had quite a few male rats and none of them were fixed. Problem? yes. So my original idea was to find a way to get her fixed. Of course we live in an area with no small animal vet, just one that comes in to the dog and cat hospital 1 day per week. The next closest would be Ottawa and that is 2 hours away. With no car and unwilling particepents this turned into a no go. SO.. I finally came to the conclusion that we had to get milly her own special friend. After a while of searching on my rat forum I use http://www.ratshackforum.com/ I came across a female rat also in need, I did not want to buy from a store when there are so many already in need of homes. Plans were made after much stress and finding a way to Ottawa and we picked up our girl Maggie who was about the same age as Milly. Introducing the two girls didnt take too long but there was some small fights I had to break up. They seemed to have a hard time establishing which one was going to be the boss. I noticed very quickly that milly's personality became more outgoing with Maggie around and they both seemed generally happier. Reason number 1 why you should always get more then one rat. So here I was now, with my first 2 female rats and I did in fact see a difference between them and all the boys I've had. The females deffinatly seem to be on average more active and willing to explore. It's easier to get the females worked up and hyper and I find with females you have to keep an eye on them more closely then the boys. I was shocked the things my girls started getting into lol. I found Milly once climbing up the kitchen table by the leg shimmieing her self up. I've found them trying to climb tall shelves by jumping high in the air hooking their little paws onto the levels and also trying to venture inside the garbage cans, crazy girls! Of course the temperment of females is a bit lower as all males tend to be more aggressive but the agression is only shown to eachother, not towards us. The girls seem to be less willing to snuggle then the boys were but many say as the females age they start to feel the need and I have noticed with Maggie and Milly getting closer to a year and a half now they are showing hints of wanting to snuggle. Even if it is only for 5 minutes and then they gallop back down the hallway lol. In the end I dont really prefer one over the other, it just depends on what you are in the mood for. So I suppose having a colony of both males and females would be the most satisfying. You can have the lazy boys snuggle with you and you can watch the girls with all their crazy shananigans =P

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Toys and Interactive Fun

Rats are very intelligent little creatures that bore easily. Rats can become irritated, depressed or even aggressive when not stimulated properly. This can lead to your pet becoming ill more often. Stimulated rats are happy rats and happy rats are fun and healthy rats! =) Introducing new toys every so often will stimulate the rats brain forcing him to think and analyze his new toy. Odds are if you have a toy in their cage that has been their for weeks and they have completely stopped playing with it most likely they have become bored of that toy. A lot of people rotate their rats toys. You can put certain toys in their cage and then when you clean their cage next, rotate the toys in their home with other toys giving them a change of scenery. Store the other toys away until you clean their cage again. This goes aswell for decorating the cage, rats enjoy things being changed up. They will explore their new home. So put their huts and hammies in different locations. Rats love to chew so giving them wood chews and sisal products eally help satisfy this urge. A rats teeth never stop growing so always having something in their cage to naw on is recommened.

 Sisal Huts are fun to hide in and chew. The Chewtubular tunnels were a favourite amoung many of my rats. Sometimes I had to replace them every few weeks as they would tear apart the whole thing giving them hours of excitement!

The Grassy Roll A Nests were a huge favourite amoung all my rats! They loved snuggling up in them aswell as chewing on them. The Snak Shak logs gave my rats hours of chewing and nawing fun!


My rats were always very fasinated by the Snak Shak Huts. You will need to get the large as the other sizes are way too small and will need to get the large log aswell. My rats loved all gathering in this hut aswell as chewing on the wood and playing with the grass roof.

Remember to provide your rats when fun toys to play with and chew. Some of these toys can be interactive and you can join in on the fun. Like the rattle and the wooden balls.


Adding fun tunnels and hammocks to your rats cage can offer cosy safe hideouts or a different place to sleep. Or maybe simply for your rats to get high up and enjoy the view. The also make cat towels desgned for ferrets and other small animals. My rats spent a lot of time in this tunnel traveling around the levels and even taking naps. The Crinkle tunnel I suggest for any rat. I've never had a rat not enjoy these. They make crinkling sounds when touched and rats love to run and play in them to hear that crinkle!


The Right Food For Your Fuzzies Needs

There are so many different kinds of rat food out there and each one looks convincing enough. The package tells you that it has vitamins and minerals, that it has whole yummy goodness and will give your pet a long healthy life but sadly there is a huge difference between some of the foods you may be feeding your wee ones. Blocks(Pellets) are always the first recommendation as seed mixes to do have a clear balance of nutrition and the rats tend to only pick out and eat their favourite parts. Leaving them lacking a lot in their diet. Seed mixes also tend to have a lot of nuts and seeds which rats love and too many can cause your rats to gain weight as they are high in fat. Some of the best choices for our rats are not readily available in stores and some areas do not even stock them. Some people resort to purchasing their rat food online. One food a lot of people manage to get their hands on is Living World Hamster Extrusion. You can pick this up at any Pet Valu, PetSmart, Walmart, Zellers and most other well known pet supply stores. Yes it is technically a hamster feed but the ingredients are very close to that of a rats needs therefore it does just fine. Many rats tend to love the taste of the Extrusion, it has almost a grainy sweet smell. Now the Extrusion is not "the best" food you can get for your rats but is a close second and is much higher quality then most other brands so it is well recommened. I've fed my rats this brand for years. Just a heads up they have recently updated their packaging so the bags may not all still look like this.
                   Living World Hamster Extrusion

If you want to upgrade to a higher quality food you can sometimes have your local vet order it for you or ask around and see if some of your pet stores can. If not you may have to resort to ordering online. The first excellent rat food is Oxbow Regal rat. It is made specifically for your rats. Oxbow Regal Rat is developed for adult Rats. It is a low-fat, 14% protein, nutritionally-balanced food that improves the quality of life for rats without causing obesity. The kibble contains 100% of a rat’s daily essential nutrients. It was formulated by a team of professionals in the laboratory animal science, zoo nutrition and wildlife nutrition fields. The kibble itself is shaped like little hearts and smells like apples and grains. The only down side with this kibble is that it does not seem to be overly palatable meaning a lot of rats don't seem to be overly thrilled about the flavour. On the other hand some rats go crazy for it so it really depends on the individual preference of the rat.

Oxbow Regal Rat- Great nutrition for your rats

Another Excellent choice is Harlan TekLad 2014. This rat food was originally engineered in a lab and used on lab rats. Scientists researching and formulating the perfect diet for rats to increase lifespan and health. After a lot of formulating, time and great results the food found its way into the hands of rat lovers across the globe. 2014 is a fixed formula, nutritionally balanced, non-autoclavable diet containing 14% protein and 3.5% fat. Studies show that low fat, low protein diets promote longevity and normal body weight in rats. This kibble does not contain alfalfa or soybean meal, in turn minimizing the occurrence of natural phytoestrogens. No animal protein and fish meal eliminates the presence of nitrosamines. This food only comes in big 40lb bags so when bought online in a different size you will recieve yours in zip lock sealed bags.

Harlan TekLad 2014 is a great food for rats!

If you cant manage to get your hands on any of these 3 higher quality foods there are others that you can use as a substitute which are not as high quality but will do if supplemented with other healthy treats you can feed. Rodent Diet by Cuisine(blocks) I believe is sold in most Pet Values. Many carry the seed mix but if they are able to order the blocks that would be the healthier option. The protein is 18% which is not perfect but not super bad. The ideal protein for an adult rat would be between 14-16% as not many brands make lower protein levels. High protein food can cause small to severe skin conditions in rats, obesity and is hard on their organs. Another is Kaytee Forti-Diet Health Mouse and Rat. This food is alright but the protein is too high at 21%. If you cannot find any other food for the time being, ingredient wise it is a good choice. CareFresh has also come out with a rat formula which I would think would be sold in many PetSmarts. This food is about 18% protein.

If you wanted to you could buy your ratties a seed mix as a treat every now and then. When I had my first rats I used to buy them blocks aswell as a seed mix and the mixes I bought they usually ate almost everything. Brown's Gourmet Rat and Mouse Diet is one example of a seed mix I used to buy for my guys. The inside smells apsolutely mouth watering and is packed with tasty treats and a wide variety of food. Some of the ingredients are wheat, oat groats, kafir, whole corn, striped sunflower seed, green whole peas, buckwheat, pumpkin seed, shelled peanuts, jumbo green peas, almonds, pecans, walnuts, banana chips, carrots, raisins, maple peas, lentils, papaya and brown rice amoung other ingredients. The other was Reggie Rat Food, this mix smelled of nice sweet grains with many of the ingredients being turned into pellet forms. Some of the ingredients were Ground whole wheat, whole corn, flaked peas, flaked whole wheat, whole oats, pelleted soybean meal, dehydrated alfalfa meal, kibbled locust beans, soybean meal, soybean oil (preserved with BHT), ground whole corn and ground dried banana amoung other ingredients.
 In the end what ever food you decide to feed make sure your little ones get their daily fresh veggies and fruits for a healthy balanced meal. This could include cucumbers, broccoli, Romaine lettece(Iceburg is not as healthy), red grapes(helps fight illness), apples, blueberries, carrots etc...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Picking The Right Cage

So you are getting some fuzzies? The right cage size is essential for your rats to be comfortable and happy in their new home. The general rule is that any cage ment for a ferret is suitable for a rat. Rats are very active, intelligent creatures and need to be stimulated to keep from stress and boredom. Many people have inadiquite cage sizes for their little fuzzies, leaving them not much room to explore. Rats love to climb so levels are a must. If you dont have a cage with levels at the moment you can add hammacks and ladders along the top as another level. Hamster cages are in no way suitable for rats. This cage below would be way too small for your rats and would result in your rats becoming very stressed, depressed and possibly aggressive. Depression and stress can also lead to your rats becoming ill easier.
                                                                     TOO SMALL!!
When buying a cage make sure the space between the bars is not wide enough so that the full grown rat can fit their head through. As a simple rule, anything a rat can stick their head into they can sqeeze their whole body through aswell. Highly recommended cages for rats are the Critter Nations, The Ferret Nations are suitable aswell. These cages give the rats enough space to wander and levels to keep them active. They are also great if you plan on adding to your family of rats. These cages are made very sturdy and the huge doors make it very easy to clean.
                                            Ferret or Critter Nations make excellent rat cages!
 Martin Rat cages are highly recommended aswell. If you are acquiring a diffrent type of cage make sure the wires are powder coated as the basic metal can rust, stain and become very hard to clean and unsafe for your ratties. This cage below would be a small ferret cage that would be excellent for 2 rats. The metal frame can be taken off for easy cleaning and the wires are coated for health, safety and easier cleaning.
                                                            Great Cage for 2 or 3 rats!
Aquariums are never recommened for rats even though a lot of people use them. The air in tanks can not circulate properly causing it to get stale and stinky. The humidity levels in tanks can become too high making it very uncomfortable for our rats. In tanks its very difficult to make levels to play on and thats no fun! Because the rats would not be recieving much fresh air the odds of your rat developing a respiratory infection is much greater then if they were in a cage.
                                         Tanks are not recommened or safe health wise for rats!

My first rat cage was a basic powder coated 3 level Chinchilla cage, also good for rats. Male rats especially can get very big, by boys were 10 inches(thats NOT including their tails) thinking about this, no other cages but Ferret and Chinchilla cages would do. I wanted them to have a lot of space to wander and I know they appreciated it very much. The joy and excitement rats get with the level cages is worth every penny. They even pick their favourite levels =) lol I now have a Ferret Nation Which Nero and Octavian both got to experience before they passed away.
                                                         Nero and Octavians First Home
Remember when buying your ratties first home you want to make them exciteted and happy about living with you, give them the home of their dreams.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Beginning of My Rat Love Life: A Lot to Learn

To be honest, at first buying my first 2 rats was an impulse buy. I wanted pocket pets and the baby rats looked so cute. To be blunt I knew nothing about rats. Thinking back I know a bad move but we all grow, learn and move on. I had a lot to learn, people really underestimate all the essentials you must know about rats. They are not low maintence but not high either. But you cant just stick them in a cage and expect them to be happy. Even in the beginning I knew better then that. So I started doing a lot of research. I became very interested in my two cute little growing boys. While the primary idea for bedding is pine or cedar shavings, cedar especially has a toxic oil that is very bad for rats and most animals in fact. You know that lovely smell you breathe in from cedar and pine? Yip you got it, that is the toxic oils you are releasing into your lungs. Rats exposed to these oils over a prolonged period of time become more prone to a respiratory infection which in fact they are already prone to getting. In some rats kidney failure has also been linked to these oils. You can buy Aspen bedding which is wood stripped of these oils but it is more costly. In the beginning I became very interested in Carefresh. It is made of wood pulp fibers and is heated hense sanitized. Theres the basic Carefresh and then theres the Extra obsorbent(white) kind. I find the original tends to smell a bit unappealing while the white doesnt. In the end I found it too costly So I tryed a new product, Boxo. It is what I am still using to this day. It is made from mushed up cardboard and heated hanse sanitized. If feels almost the same as Carefresh but I find Boxo smells better and is softer. It absorbs quite well the only real complaint I have is how dusty it can be but it doesnt seem to bother the rats. Any product you use that makes them sneeze too much and its been a few days with no change I would suggest trying a new product as this could mean it is irritating their lungs too much. When it came to food the choice was harder. Of course every food company is going to tell you that their brand is the one for you! That they have everything to give your pet a long happy life but in all reality there is a huge difference between the good and the bad ones. I settled on Living World Hamster Extrusion Blocks. Yes a hamster food but also good for rats. Living World is a good basic choice if you cant find any better ones in your area. protein should be really no higher then 16 at the max. Oxbow Regal Rat and Harlan TekLab 2014 are excellent choices for rats but can be harder to find. Mine where on Oxbow but they didnt seem to enjoy the flavour so I switched to 2014 and they are still having their Extrusion aswell. Another surprise that came along with my fuzzies was that I didnt realize how often they could get sick. Because of how prone they are to lung infections you have to expect and be ready that some time in their lives or even a few times you will have to treat them with an anti-biotic, these visits can be costly but are manditory. left untreated and your babies will pass away. If you are unready or unwilling to take the responsibility for vet visits then I would not recommend rats for you.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

From the first hold, I was hooked.

I was 18, graduated from highschool and working a part time job at Pet Valu in Arnprior. A little town right outside of Ottawa. We had a shopping day planned in Kanata, I had some money saved up and I barely got out so we got a ride up and spent the day walking through the centrum. I was currently still living with my mother and her soon to be X boyfriend. Malcolm - my boyfriend, and I eventually made our way to PetSmart(we already had 2 family pets, our dog Daisey rip and our rabbit, bunny lol)I made my way down all the isles and was always fasinated by the small animal section. Curiously moving over to the animal tanks glancing in to see all the cute fuzzy creatures inside I happened upon some baby rats. Just the idea of a rat fasinated me immediatly instead of disgusting me. I never knew anyone growing up who owned rats.. just hamsters and they seemed so cranky. They were no bigger then my palm. I had a talk with the associate for a while about their needs and thinking back she knew quite a bit but ws off on a few things. By this time I was heavy contemplating on going home with 2 fuzzies. There had to have been over 12 little babies running around all over the tank each one a different colour and pattern. The aquarium opened and all the rats went scattering, fleeing for their lives into the hut that was placed in the corner, except 2. Which would soon be called Nero and Octavian. Nero I think was a Variegated black rat. He was frightened into shock and was standing still as stone in the middle of the cage, wide eyed and curious. The sales associate picked him up and Malcolm and I stood there holding the little fella. Octavian, which Im pretty sure he was a Pearl Merle, had hid himself under the Carefresh bedding with only his little nose and one eye poking up stareing up at us, I giggled and asked to pull out that cutie hiding. After buying a temporary small cage, rat food, rat books, hammocks and toys gallore leaving us with a few hundred dollar bill, we made our way home. They were nervous but it didnt take long for them to become extremely curious about us and their new surroundings. We loved watching them grow, experience and become excited about new things.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

In Honor

The blog in which I have created is dedicated to my beloved baby fuzzies I've had throughout the years and too all rats who have an undeserved reputation. Hopefully through this I can share my many thoughts, smiles, laughs and fun stories with you all. Even hopefully to bring more awareness to this amazing species that I have had the honor to learn about and come in contact with. Any rat owner/lover(which hopefully we would like to think the love comes along with owning!)endures varying degrees of disgusted comments or haters, it is enevitable when owning a creature many do not understand. But this is something we rat lovers are trying to break, the unknown is what draws people to fear and their ignorance refuses them to take a step out of that box and learn about something knew. The questions I have been asked about owning rats sometimes I have to bite my tongue or make a face to myself. Questions that if they only knew how silly that sounded to a rat owner, again its these unknown falsified stereotypes keeping them away.. but someday.. maybe you will join us in helping these beautiful, amazing animals.